Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oderathu Sometta Alariyam !!!!!!

This is my first ever blog , I think this is the best time to say something , as yesterday was one selfless happiest day of my life .Expectations are always a burden .In some situations in life U turns and detours are easier. It takes a great mind to decide whether to accept fate or fight it .

Always take risk, if you win you will be happy; if u lose you will be wise....

14th Feb 2010- 1 pm

I was enjoying the sweetness of a mirage while I got a call. Even though I was in the middle of a glorious drama , there was no doubt in my mind whether to attend the call or not . I took the call , “da the exams went well, It was easy , lets hope everything goes well” that conversation gave me a surge of happiness ,which given the situation only that caller’s happiness or success could trigger . I have witnessed the efforts behind that exam being easy , everyone plans for success , and works towards it , I got that call while I was relishing my efforts , still the crux is that I was more happy for that person .

End of December 2009 :

All of us got placed ,except him , but still he was there with us to celebrate . Wat makes the last statement special is that he was only one in that group who didn’t get that even after staying back till the last second .While the company was reading the names of those got placed , people close to him was expecting to hear his name ( of course after their own names ) , but it didn’t happen . I saw one real character in that guy that day , even though he was broken he tried to look happy and feel happy for others , in his eyes there was genuine happiness for others and even more aggressive flame for his ultimate aim. May be the flames dried his tears that none came out . It was not at all a historic day in his life ,but it was one for me personally and he was a part of it .

We had an average tour , all the shuffling and swapping acted as a dampener. Some eyes were twinkling with excitement while others where flooding with ego. One good thing was no one was alone ,every one had company . There was no offbeat incident , so everyone had some people to turn to . There was hope ,anger ,love, ego, jealousy , confusion and HIM . I saw him desperately trying to patch up things , knowing very well that its not his cup of tea . It happened on the day we reached back. It didn’t rain , the birds were not sounding sweet , sunrise was not so alluring . It was a dull gloomy day for him , and so for us too. The day when pessimism covered the shining glowing optimism. Even some amateur guys ,who simply for the sheer weird fun of writing an exam, got a better view of the morning sun than him . What made things worse was the fact that the whole world wanted to know how he fared. Not that any one really had a doubt that he will do well, but they just wanted to confirm. That made things which were perfectly bad to worse. It shattered his heart but not his spirit. He decide to time his shaving again !!! He made his decision very clear with one sentence “ May be next time I will get a better rank and opportunity “

He didn’t get placed , he didn’t get placed and he got placed . Finally he got hold of something which can deter him from his dream , something which can stop him from touching the destiny . As a result ,an extremely shattered well determined person was put on a dilemma . To slog for a company which he didn’t care about or to pursue his dream of becoming a teacher . Pros and cons are on . Experts gave their views , friends expressed their concern , parents cared and he decided . He decided to move away from his comfort zone and go to Hyderabad.

Hyderabad :

To be honest I don’t have much idea wat happened there . But knowing him and his way of doing things , I think he studied !!! Even after four years of engg he studied , that alone shows his spirit !!!! He used to call me wen he took five min break or while shaving or while eating , other than ‘bambara kanalle ‘ he didn’t allow anything to distract him .


He studied ,studied ,studied,lived .


He gave the exams . He went missing ……. None of us were able to trace him . No one knew how his exams went . After two days I got hold of him somehow and got to know that his exams AGAIN went well. He was already back to torturing girls in his uncles tuition class. 12’0’ clocks again become the best time to say best of luck for exams .

12,13,14 March 2011:

We used to get panic calls from him , we used to make him feel good by telling that don’t worry everything will be hell . Thats the one entertainment we get by talking to him , its very easy to get him panicked , its not so cruel given the fact that he has a score which was some where around the top in the institute he studied . At the same time he was busy bribing gods . Fingers crossed .

15 March :

After 1200 hours of studies in hydrabad and 650 hours in koyilandy the G day has arrived . G days are always better than D days .I asked for his serial number so that I can get his results ,there came a classic soman dialogue “ I want the same person who gave me the bad news last year to give me the news this time . “ Confidence ,attitude and plain somenism was trying to get out of the cage , its been dormant for more than a year . Rest is history .22 is not just a number for me anymore , its sorrow 2 happiness ,from ruin 2 grand slam . He is again ready to give advices and play the big brother , sun is shining again ,cosmic law prevails .

If you r reading this , then just know that you are still a just a infra , ethra IISC ayalum va thorrannal therrnilla !!!!